East Point Breeze Neighbors is a volunteer-run organization made up of residents, property owners, and business owners within our area of interest. The members-in-good-standing elect a governing board consisting of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and the chairpersons of the committees. There are no paid employees. We are all volunteers.
Lydia Currie, President
Ryan McGrath, Vice President
John Paulas, Secretary
Maria Horowitz, Treasurer
Planning & Zoning Committee
The Planning & Zoning Committee is charged with hearing requests for zoning variances from neighborhood property owners, as well as creating and implementing a neighborhood comprehensive plan.
Before contacting the committee with questions about the zoning process or construction on your property or a neighbor’s property, please read the EPBN Zoning & Planning Information Page.
Vanessa Davies, Chairperson
Community Outreach Committee
EPBN’s Community Outreach Committee coordinates with other civic associations, community groups and institutions to help spread and share important information about upcoming events, city initiatives, and other projects.
Danielle DeLuca, Chairperson
Technology Committee
Monique Sterling, Chairperson
The EPBN Technology Committee maintains and monitors all of the digital presences of the organization and works on technological issues impacting the neighborhood such as accessibility.
Clean & Green Committee
The Clean & Green Committee is focused on coordinating activities related to cleaning up the neighborhood, planting trees, and caring for Manton Green, a community green space on the corner of 17th and Manton.
Stephen Miller, Chairperson
Public Safety Committee
The EPBN Public Safety Committee helps serve as a liaison between the neighbors in the EPBN service area, the police, other neighborhood groups and city agencies with a focus on safety and quality of life.

Our mailing address is East Point Breeze Neighbors, PO Box 54891, Philadelphia, PA 19148